Saturday, August 21, 2010

Night Stuff

I fell asleep last night around midnight, after reading for a bit while a jazz station played in the background, but I woke up a little after two and couldn't fall back to sleep. I had an image in my head that wouldn't let me alone, so I got up, went into the living room, and drew the pencil abstract pictured to the left. It's puzzling yet somehow gratifying that when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, that the awake time has been so productive lately, and not just futile tossing and turning.

And since I wasn't quite tired, I finally added an adversary to my previous "Salamander" piece. I'd been sitting over it all day yesterday, and had done all the pencil work except for a head. So I added the head (with an appropriate facial expression), and then proceeded to ink and then color the poor guy. I have always loved the space uniforms from pulp sci-fi and the "Legion of Superheroes" comic from the 60's, so I gave him the typical boots, chest logo and shoulder flair found so frequently back then. Perhaps I will add a background at some point, either a spaceship in its hangar, or just a starscape with a Saturnesque ringed planet hanging in the sky. If nothing else, I should probably choose a color for the salamander man, since his foe is so brightly hued.

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