Monday, August 16, 2010

Li'l Nippers

Back on August 1st, I was sitting around drawing in front of a few shows during "Shark Week", and I came up with a few ideas for, and then sketched up, a comic strip I call "Lil Nippers".

The strip is about three young sharks who hang around talking about stuff and doing shark-like things in between (and in the middle of) their conversations.
  • Chuck - a tiger shark. I colored him orange today, but am not sure if that will be his final color scheme.
  • Zig Zag - A great white (or perhaps a bull or white-tipped shark). He has a scar that gained him his nickname.
  • Darla - A hammerhead shark. Despite her unusual appearance (compared to most sharks), she always tries to look presentable with fresh lipstick and a nice bow.
I have a few other ideas for the strip, but not enough to seriously submit it anytime soon. Also, while it was nice to get this particular gag all drawn up, inked and colored today, the initial sketches are far superior in design and degree of shading. It definitely needs a lot of work.

1 comment:

  1. Wow , it's the next 'Shark Week' already, and I did only one comic strip! Maybe I'll do just one each year (haha).
