Here is my entry for Swap Challenge II. In honor of the film's U.S. premiere we agreed upon "
Thor" from
Marvel Comics. I chose to draw the classic version of the character. I worked on the sketch for this project during the week anytime I happened to be goofing around online, and I moved the arm holding the hammer several times. I did the rest of the work today (Sunday) in front of the television (during "
The Amazing Race" and "
Celebrity Apprentice"). Tools were the same as last week's, except for the following: the paper was 60 lb. Strathmore (premium recycled).
I feel like I phoned it in on the figure's pose, but the coming week's subject (the third and final one in a row featuring characters from Marvel Comics) is for each of us to draw an action scene with our five favorite mutants from "The X-Men". Stay tuned! And of course, feel free to comment.
This time around I think I like the inked version best.