I decided to draw all morning as I watched my
New England Patriots clobber the
Cincinnati Bengals. I had a couple of cool surfing photos to work from, and this is what I came up with. I went with the dual tip markers again, to practice with thickness variations and shading on both drawings, and as you can see, I also used colored pencils on picture #2. The markers tend to smudge if enough time isn't allowed for thorough drying, and I don't have any proper colors for large areas or the particular skin color of the girl, so I went with peach and light gray pencils. They were both fun exercises, and I feel it was time well-spent. And while I prefer my work on the left-hand figure, I am more happy with the way the gray marker and pencil work together to give a good 'stormy ocean' feel.
My aunt stopped by today and she thought the girl on the right's left leg was a pair of breasts! Too funny, and an indication that I didn't do such a great job.