Saturday, February 24, 2018

Opalite Dreams

I brought my opalite stone to the lake on Wednesday, when the temperature was 78 degrees in February. I took a few staged photos, and these are my favorites:

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

DDD Week 3 Works

...And once again, for Week 3, I only did the first two items:

Day 15: Forest Temple Map

Day 16: Overprepared Elven Bard

DDD Week 2 Works

I only did the first two days of the #DungeonDrawingDudes Challenge Week 2:

"Chugar the Half Orc Scavenger searches for riches with his newly-acquired Ruined Castle Map."

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

More DDD

Today's accomplishment:

Ooh Shiny

Some photos of the jasper stones I bought recently...

Dungeon Drawing Dudes

This month I am joining a bunch of artists on Instagram to do a daily "Dungeons & Dragons" - themed drawing challenge, called #DungeonDrawingDudes. My work so far:

Calamari Cove

Dwarf adventurer Hamz an'Dwych, on the hunt for treasure...