Sunday, November 1, 2015


No one likes to be alone on Halloween. Not even the creatures:

14" x 17" on 60 lb paper.
Sharpies, Pigma Micron pens, and Prismacolor pencils.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Quick Sketch - Shy

I drew this woman in my journal, with a blue ball point pen and 2 colored pencils.

It took about 5 minutes,and just seemed to flow from my brain and through my hand.

Standard camera setting.

'Aquarium' camera setting.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Up From Below

Today's lunch break drawing, an underground dweller, coming up into the light:

Do Not Enter

I drew this old mountain tunnel on my lunch break yesterday:

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Phria (FREE'-uh) is Phrixes' younger sister. She is a sorceress of great power, who is always looking to better herself and her skills.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lykos & Phrixes

Two members of a group of traveling companions, created to vex & stymie the key party of adventurers. Lykos is a master thief, and Phrixes is the older brother from a pair of warrior/sorceress siblings.

The finished drawing will follow. I really should sketch in pencil!

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Macro view of my cool new dice from Chessex. I have a new polyhedral set as well.

I'm going to see if any of my ten nieces & nephews would like to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons this year.